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Solving systemic violence: A violent approach [Trigger Warning]

May 13, 2010

From the Syracuse Post-Standard: [TW]Judge says abused Syracuse woman should have sought help before killing boyfriend.

I wonder if the judge in question has ever sought help for domestic violence. There are folks in Syracuse that offer assistance. However, I don’t suggest calling the police. Based on the stories I’ve heard about police calls in response to domestic violence, the SPD is *cough* unhelpful, even on occasions when they bother to send someone. I’d refer to the police reports, but they don’t exist in either of the cases I’m thinking of. I’m sure judge Aloi is conveniently ignorant of all of this, though, so onward:

Defense lawyer Thomas Ryan asked Aloi to consider even less than the 12 years agreed to when Comer pleaded guilty. Ryan said Comer had a litany of problems: a learning disability, significant developmental impairment, major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar and antisocial disorders and poor impulse control.

He also said Comer had a lengthy history of physical, sexual and emotional abuse that started with her father when she was a child.

12 years? How about 120? :eyeroll:

There’s room for further commentary here, but yeah. 12 years.

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  1. Quercki permalink
    May 14, 2010 4:08 pm

    Did you see Angry Black Woman’s linkspam: why didn’t you call the police?

    Also there was the a news article about the Bed-Stuy precinct in New York not taking reports that would mess up their crime stats. Here’s the link:

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